Featured – Zoe & Daron’s Wedding on So You’re Getting Married


Filed In

I was away in Vegas last week shooting a wedding, and during that time I sadly missed the feature of the super cute Zoe and Daron’s special day at Cain Manor, one of Bijou Wedding‘s stunning venues, on  So You’re Getting Married!

I loved this Easter Sunday wedding, I had SO much fun shooting it, and couldn’t take in the glorious sunshine we were blessed with in the evening after hours and hours of rain! Zoe and Daron took it all in their stride and I must say that the photo of them with bunny ears on is definitely up there with one of my favourite ever couple shots! Awesome wedding, and thank you so much to Phoebe for featuring it!! 🙂 Feel free to have a nose by clicking here!


Surrey Wedding Photography - Cain Manor Wedding Press-1Surrey Wedding Photography - Cain Manor Wedding Press-2

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