As if the sunshine and warmth returning wasn’t enough to brighten my mood today, this news certainly has! I’m very pleased and excited that the stunning Sophie and Stuart have been featured on my favourite wedding blog (yes, sorry but it is!) So You’re Getting Married, today! I love Phoebe’s blog, it’s so chic and unpretentious, she only chooses to feature things she *really* loves, not conforming to what she believes readers want to see. Luckily for us readers she has amazing taste and I love how she mixes up her wedding posts with cake and simple recipes too. AND she has the most adorable Miniature Schnauzer EVER. So given all this, you can probably tell that this feature means a lot to me and I’m SO glad I was able to photograph Sophie and Stuart’s stunning wedding, as if it wasn’t for them, none of you would be able to share in such a pretty pub wedding! 😀 xxx Anyway, enough waffle, check it out here!